
Using LCMs in Your Process: 5 Factors to Consider

Good process controls help manufacturers turn out the best version of their products and have fewer headaches along the way.  There are several major benefits to using light-curable materials (LCMs) in the manufacturing process including fast on-demand curing, cost and energy savings, and improved safety for both employees and the environment thanks to their “green” chemistry.

Before choosing a light-curable material, here are some things to think about:

* Know your substrate. What surface will the LCM adhere to?

* Set up a light-curing process. What size area will you need to cure? What intensity light is required?

* Understand the effects of under- and over-curing. What impact will insufficient or excessive amount of light-curing exposure have on the process?

* Select the right dispensing system. From the viscosity to the application area, choosing the right dispensing equipment is critical.

* Properly store and dispose of your materials. Is shelf life of the light-curable material six months? One year? Know how to correctly maintain your materials and discard them to ensure environmental and worker safety.

Learn how to improve your manufacturing process in our latest white paper "Achieve Better Process Controls with Light-Curing Technology."
